The Gamer : Multiverse Conquest - Chapter 1 - Boku, Buku (2024)

Chapter Text


Shiro, in all of his madness and glory, decided this was not a good start. Starting as a mere infant was enough to wound his pride, but an orphan at that? He doubted he could suffer another blow like this. The previous explosions and blasts calmed, the building he was in long forgotten by now as his two caretakers, one he assumed as his mother, lay dead with kunai in their hearts. The only person who could save him was the one who murdered them, standing in front of his crib with a blank expression, and a reversed grip holding a kunai.

"A child? This is troublesome," he murmured, loud enough for me to barely hear as he continued, "but I suppose it's welcome since our forces are weak. Hopefully, he will grow strong."

Just as briefly as I woke to this, I was knocked unconscious to my chagrin. I wandered about in the dark space I assumed was my consciousness, finding nothing of interest. I sighed, slightly dismayed. How long would it take for me to wake up, I wonder? Probably not long, Ninjas are fast after all. I spun quickly in the murky blackness of my mind, barely reacting, as a white orb smashed into me.

[Location Found! {Conciousness 1/1}]

[Choose reward!

2500 EXP

25 Stat Points

50 Perk Points]

Well, I suppose this counts as interesting. I hummed in thought, my hand on my chin, as I tried something dumb. "Stats," I shouted. Yeah, that was dumb. I was annoyed slightly as I spoke again. "Character Sheet!" Nada. I ground my teeth in slight frustration. I grunted in defeat after a few more attempts, all failing, as I paid attention to the screen in front of me. "EXP, right now, I don't know what that would mean. Stat Points would be just as useless for now, but perk points could be of some use." I reasoned, completely bullsh*tting myself. I couldn't use any of these until I figured out how to see my 'stats' or whatever-


Well, that certainly helps me make my decision. I tapped stat points, a rush of brightness coming into me as I sorted my stats to become chakra oriented. My[INT] went from 5 to 15, and my[WIS] went from 5 to 20. If it's like I think, then the [WIS] let me use more of my chakra, while [INT] gave me more chakra.

A correct observation, Shiro.

"Who!?" I asked in confusion, still being in my mindscape no one should be able to communicate to me unless a Yamanaka was helping, which I doubt.

I am not a Yamanaka, I am the Game. I chose you as my first host. When you awake I will give you your basic skills.

I should have realized, as they had both come from text boxes, that It was the game communicating with me. A tug at my brain with a slight tingle of pain pulled me out of my consciousness, as I re-awoke in a damp cave. I wiggled my infantile head around, barely able to move from such low dexterity. A series of dings began to quiet down after a few seconds, and I moved my head to look at them.

Skill Gained!

[Gamers Mind] (Passive)

It allows the user to calmly and logically think things through.

Allows a peaceful state of mind,

Grants Immunity to psychological status effects.

Skill Gained!

[Gamers Body] (Passive)

Grants a body that allows for the user to live real life like a game.

Skill Gained!

[Create ID] (Active)

Grants user the ability to pause time in the real world to train in. Cannot be used in combat.

Skill Gained!

[Escape ID] (Active)

Grants user the ability to break out of an ID.

Now that you have your starter skills, pick a class!

[Warrior] [Alchemist] [Rogue] [Mage] [Archer] [Healer]

I stared dumbly and thought that this would be easy enough. I pointedly looked at [Mage], and surprisingly, it worked and had been selected. Another list of 'Specializations' popped up as I grimly thought about how each of these would be extremely overpowered late-game.

Please select a specialisation.

[Elemental Mage] [Illusionist] [Enchanter] [Summoner] [Necromancer]

The only one that would be useless was[Elemental Mage]because of Chakra affinities. [[Illusionist] and [Summoner] were also crossed out by me because of Genjutsu and Summoning Jutsu respectively. So I picked the obvious choice of Necromancer. I heard a few dings but ignored them as I continued focusing on what was going on around me, trying to get a handle on what was happening. 'So, I've been kidnapped, it's likely the Warring States period, I'm in Naruto, and there is an option for me to skip infanthood- wait, an option for me to skip infanthood!?'

I have to say, being a baby would suck right now. I recommend you skip infanthood so you can begin training.

Also, please pay attention to the pop-ups.

I clicked the button as time went super-speed around me, my body morphing at moving at probably 1000mph. Another pop-up, but the nausea from the now gone super-sped movements was too much as I puked off to the side of what I now knew as the training grounds. I shook myself as I groaned. "Ugh... I went from 0 to 6 real fast," I said, "and that was the worst thing... ever." I sighed, brushing off my lips, and looked at the pop-ups.

Class Gained

[Necromancer] – LVL 1/100 [0%]

Gain 5 INT and WIS every level.

Skill Gained

[Create Undead] (Active)

100 MP to cast

Create a weaker level undead to fight for you, you can only have 1 undead per 5 INT.

Undead can be dismissed and summoned at will.

Undead Available

[Skeleton Horde] [Zombie Horde] [Wolf of Death] [Archers of Hades]

Skill Gained

[Create Ghost] (Active)

100 MP to cast

Create a weaker level undead to fight for you, you can only have 1 undead per 5 INT.

Undead can be dismissed and summoned at will.

Ghosts Available

[Ghost] [Spirit] [Wraith] [Living Armour] [Spectral Knight]

Skill Gained

[Ray of Death] (Active)

20 MP to cast

Deals 50 points of Death Damage to target.

Skill Gained

[Drain Life] (Active)

5MP/S to cast

Drains 10 HP from target and gives it to second target.

Skill Gained

[Create Skill] (Active)

Creates a skill to the users' wishes as long as they have the prerequisites to make it.

I just groaned. I was going to be one of those goody-two-shoes heroes who was always strong enough to beat the villain, wasn't I? Well, I decline that fate. I decide that I will massacre worlds for fun, terrorize the populace, and ruin dreams of protagonists. That sounds so much more fun, after all!

Trait Gained

[Villain] (Passive)

You will be inherently more evil and have desires only satiated by villainy.

Perk Gained

[Destroyer of Worlds] (Active)

You have decided to tear worlds limb by limb and slaughter those living on it. Naturally, you can't do this without a boost.

100% Energy Cost after 3,000,000,000, unusable until then.

2500x All Stats

Two Hundred levels per world destroyed.

"Well," I mused, "this will be fun." I immediately called out my stats again, seeing nothing change, I was disappointedbut click on the[Create ID] skill. I was shocked at how useful this would be, seeing it only at level one, I decided to use it. However, the only option to choose was Zombie, so I was wondering If I could do this anyway. I reached my hand out and grabbed.

A shattering sound was heard, but I paid no attention to anything except the people who disappeared, and in their place, Zombies appearing. I looked at my pitiful Chakra amount. I would have to fix that before I did much. 150 would probably not be enough to try and control the Undead here. Before that, I needed to see if Inventory worked-


Okay, it worked. It had a few items in there, but mainly Chakra Paper and Kunai. The rest of the items were clothing. I brought out the Chakra Paper and sent my Chakra into it. I waited for the results eagerly.

-1 Chakra

Chakra Natures:

Earth, Lightning = Explosion Release

Fire + Lightning = Plasma Release

What? I have two Kekkei Genkai? This is quite odd, but that didn't matter. What mattered now was the fact a horde of zombies was approaching. I remembered suddenly my Skill Creation skill and the Flame-Thrower Jutsu. I had an evil grin on my face.

Skill Created!

[Katon: Flamethrower!] (Active)

(LV 1)

A continuous stream of flame comes out of the user's mouth from Fire Chakra.

Range: 15m

DMG: [(250+INT)/5)

Cost: 15Chakra/Second

Well, that's overpowered. I can hold it easily for ten seconds! I gathered my breath and shouted the name of my Jutsu, excited at the prospect of finally becoming a true Ninja in this world. The Zombies with only 50hp fell quickly to my Jutsu. The fifteen meters provided by my Jutsu exterminated them all in only three seconds. I looked at my stat sheet, and to my dismay, my Chakra was not regenerating.

That is because you do not own a skill for it. I will give you a quest to make your life much easier- oh. You already finished it.

Taking out 21 Zombies in the first hour, one over my quest. Oh well. Here are the Rewards.

[1x Chakra Recovery Skill Scroll] [1x Rare Ninja Sandals] [1x Otsutsuki Cloak (INVERSE)] [5 Levels]

[You have defeated 21 Enemies! You have leveled eight times.]

[You have leveled five times from a quest.]

[You have activated your stats by thinking of the word!]

[NAME: Shiro Kabuya]

[Specialization: Necromancer]

[Title: Child (No Bonuses)]

[Health: 120]

[Lv: 13 0.00%]

[Chakra: 1400] (Regenerated 120/s from [CHAKRA REGEN.]

[INT: 140(0)

WIS: 145(0)

DEX: 21

STR: 18

END: 20

CHA: 12

LUK: 40

As I swiped away the notification displaying my stats, I facepalmed before quickly pulling it back up. I had 65 unspent points from my 13 level-ups, and I should definitely use them before continuing onward. My previous stats which looked like this, [INT: 75(0) WIS: 80(0) DEX: 21 STR: 18 END: 20 CHA: 12 LUK: 40], now looked like this, [INT: 90(0) WIS: 85(0) DEX: 31 STR: 38 END: 25 CHA: 12 LUK: 40]. My health shot up from 120 to 170. and my Chakra had also gone up to a new level. 750 --> 900, but sadly my intuition was right. I could only use 850 because that was what my wisdom was. Lost in thought, a foe appeared and hit me, the Zombie only doing 30 damage, however, I still got launched backward a couple of feet.

A glint appeared in my eye as I used skill creation to create the Great Fireball Technique. I punched the zombie, doing only 52 damage to the buffed zombie. 250 health, huh? Whatever, I stunned it long enough for me to make my skill, the zombie resting on the cave floor about 40 feet ahead. Did it acclimate to my new strength? It seemed physical damage was Dexterity plus Strength. It got up, and just in time too, as my skill had created itself.

Skill Created

[Katon: Great Fireball!] (Active)

(LV 1)

The user generates a large fireball and shoots it at the enemy. Burn + Explosion damage.

Range: 100m

DMG: [(500+INT)/1.5]

Cost: 150

I quickly used the skill, shouting out the name of it comically, and my hands sped through the signs at a great speed. The fireball was a sickly orange, the flames licking my hands and throat but doing no damage to me, shot toward the zombie. It exploded for about 25 feet and then stopped. A large red number was listed above it.

393 DMG + 50 BURN + 25 EXPL

Huh. So explosion damage was how far the explosion went? Neat. I waited for the fire to die down, lasting barely less than a minute. I laughed. Burn must be calculated by how long the fire lasts. The zombie disintegrated and immediately gave me 300 exp.

[NAME: Shiro Kabuya]

[Specialization: Necromancer]

[Title: Child (No Bonuses)]

[Health: 170]

[Lv: 13 300/1600]

[Chakra: 1550] (Regenerated 125/s from [CHAKRA REGEN.]

[INT: 155(0)

WIS: 150(0)

DEX: 31

STR: 38

END: 25

CHA: 12

LUK: 40

I swiped my status screen away again, focusing on my surroundings. Seeing no zombies, I decided to equip the gear from the quest I had completed prematurely. My white hair and tan skin contrasted against the Inversed colors of the Otsutsuki Robe, and my black ninja sandals made me look all the more evil. I smirked as I saw in the distance, nearly a hundred zombies 'speeding' toward my location. I sighed before creating another skill, forgetting to do it beforehand.

Skill Created!

[Observe] (Active)

Observe the information of a Target.

Range: Eyesight

Cost: none

Well, I guess that's that. I observed a zombie from the oncoming horde.


[HP 500]

[DMG: 60]

I gasped slightly. I facepalmed for forgetting my Create Undead skill, and quickly 18 groups of Skeleton Hordes, each with 10, spawned. 180 Skeletons at level 13, all Melee. I flung my arm towards the oncoming Zombies and shouted. "ATTACK!"

As soon as the command left my mouth, the Skeletons began demolishing the group of 90 or so zombies. A quest dinged, but I ignored it for now. My horde of skeletons dropped by 5 singular units, nothing much, but the Zombies had gone down by over a third. I was getting constant notifications of level-ups and my skill level increasing for Create Undead, but I still concentrated on the fight. It was a slaughter against the Zombies. I smirked as the last few zombies were encapsulated by groups of skeleton Melee warriors.

You have leveled several times!

Quest Complete!

[Survive the Horde]

Rewards: 5 levels, Minor Speed Force Skill, 100 Perk Points, Random Skill with no cost

You have leveled several times!

Create Undead has reached level 10, evolving into Superior Undead Creation

I sighed, becoming overpowered was simply too easy. Suddenly another notification appeared. I was confused until I read it, and I cackled madly at the sight. Oh man, it feels good to be strong.

Your Random Skill was [Tengai Shinsei].

[Tengai Shinsei] (Active)


This is a god-tier Jutsu, allowing the user to summon meteors from the heavens.

DMG: [(INT+STR)x250]+5000

Cost: 0

Cooldown: 1 Minute

The Odds of this happening was... astronomically low, and mathematically impossible. What the hell?

Well, the system woke up I guess. If not for Gamers Mind, I would have already gone crazy with power. Seeing nothing else to do in the ID, I left. Immediately after, life returned to normal. Except one thing. I was much, much stronger. Before I could do much, a fellow member of the Sakeguya clan walked up to me, stopping me from hitting the training log.

"Clan Head wants to see you, Shiro," he spoke calmly, and without giving me much choice, shunshin'd with me in tow. He bowed at the Clan Head, a man with brown hair and black eyes wearing armour of this time period. The Clan Head, whose name was Higuraki, nodded at the man before turning his attention to me.

"I have a mission for you, Shiro."



Survive the onslaught brought upon you by your clan heads mission.

Reward: 50 LV, 10000 RYO, 50000 Bounty, Summoning Scroll, A-Rank Title

The Gamer : Multiverse Conquest - Chapter 1 - Boku, Buku (2024)


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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.