How to Build a Beehive of Your Own - Carolina Honeybees (2024)

Are you interested in learning how to build a beehive? Many new beekeepers want the total beekeeping experience from start to finish. After ordering their new bees and purchasing most of their tools and protective wear, they yearn to build their own bee boxes. This is an obtainable goal for those of you with some carpentry experience. However, there are few important details that you need to know.

How to Build a Beehive of Your Own - Carolina Honeybees (1)

One of the most important aspects of hive construction is having a plan. Building homemade beekeeping equipment (hives, boxes, feeders etc.) requires attention to detail and correct measurements.

In this Post:

Make a Beehive for Your Bees

Building a bee hive is NOT the same as building a bird house or even a dog house. Beekeeping equipment should be built to a closer standard. We must strive to give the bees what they want.

Honey bees are very discerning about their home structure. Yes,they will often take up residence in the most unusual places.

Why they want to avoid my perfectly awesome hive for some tree in the woods – who knows? But poorly constructed beehives cause problems for the beekeeper later on.

Do You Have the Skill?

Building a beehive requires an investment of time and money. I wanted to build a beehive from scratch when I first became a beekeeper.

Unfortunately, my enthusiasm for this project was greater than my carpentry skills. (Even though in the past I could do some pretty good work with a hammer and nail!)

While my hive components may not look pretty, I did pay attention to details that really matter to bees (correct inside measurements – need for ventilation, etc). But even then, I made some costly beekeeper mistakes.

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Beehive Construction Materials

Before you get out the saw, take a good look at the materials you will need to do the project. I “assume” you have the proper tools needed and know how to use them.

  • beehive plans or blueprints with proper measurements – buying a book is optional
  • wood – lumber of the correct dimensions -consider purchasing frames
  • any tools you require to cut the wood
  • hammer, nails and good wood glue(can buy at Lowes or order from Amazon)
  • beeswax foundation or plastic foundation (if you choose to use foundation & it doesn’t come with frames)
  • any good light color exteriorlatex paint

Do not use treated wood. Lumber treated with chemicals can be very hazardous to honey bees!

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Beekeepers across the world use many different materials for making hives for honey bees. Simple pine wood is the most common resource used in the United States.

Cypress wood is another popular choice but availability can be an issue and it is more expensive.

Plywood is not the best choice for beehive wood. The glues and chemicals used in making it are concerning. Though some beekeepers do use plywood for temporary boxes to attract swarms.

Steps to Build A Honey Bee Hive

  1. choose a hive style
  2. find good construction plans – download and print several copies
  3. gather your materials
  4. cut out materials closely following directions – size matters
  5. assemble parts with nails and good wood glue or screws and glue
  6. purchase frames, wax foundation or any parts that you chose not to build
  7. paint your beehive to preserve the wood

Choosing a Hive Style

There are many different types of honey bee hives in use around the world. In the US, the most common beehive design is the Langstroth Hive (10 frame or 8 frame).

Another design with an enthusiastic following is the Top Bar Hive.They were originally popular in third world countries where modern hive components were not available.

The top bar and other horizontal hives have gained in popularity in the US. Management of this type of hive is a bit different – do your research before deciding.

How to Build a Beehive of Your Own - Carolina Honeybees (2)

Langstroth Beehive

The Langstroth Hive is a made up of square boxes that typically hold 10 frames.(The use of 8 frame Langstroth hives is popular in some regions.)

After starting with a basic box, more are stacked on top as the colony grows. If cut to the correct Langstroth hive dimensions, the hive is easily expandable.

Today, most commercial beekeepers use this type of hive design. Langstroth hives can be easily stacked on trucks for transport – great for migratory beekeepers too.

The Langstroth Hive is the most common choice for beekeepers (of any level) who want to produce honey.

Are you more interested in bee pollination than honey harvesting?A top bar hive might be the right choice for you.

How to Build a Beehive of Your Own - Carolina Honeybees (3)

Top Bar Beehive

The Kenyan Top Bar (TBH) was designed to replace log hives in Africa. This simple hive design requires less lumber and no special tools to assemble. (Yet they are expensive to purchase from bee suppliers – ? )

Top Bar Hives have increased in popularity in recent years. Some beekeepers feel this hive design is a more organic approach to beekeeping because bees build their own comb. Similar in some aspects to colonies housed in bee skeps.

You may produce some honey in a hive of this style. But, top bar hives are not usually associated with large honey harvests.

If you decide to try top bar beekeeping, it is important to connect with other top bar beekeepers who are successful. Check out this advanced top bar beekeeping information.-> -> Top Bar Beekeeping Book <- <-

Get Plans with Correct Measurements

Once you decide what you want, it is easy to find beehive plans (some are available for free). Also, you do not have to build every component and I suggest you don’t try.

Many new beekeepers purchase the top cover, bottom board, inner cover and frames – but enjoy building the main brood boxes and bee super boxes.

You can’t have too many boxes as you are sure to need one in a pinch – especially in the Spring. Having extra brood boxes is always a good thing. You may need one to house a new swarm you catch.

If you have extras boxes of each size on hand, that comes in handy when it is time to add another honey super to the hive.

After deciding which kind of hive you want to use, check out some good books like – Building Hives for Dummies. It gives you measurements but also tips for assembly, wood choices etc.

Paint or Finish

The final step once your hive is constructed is protecting it from the elements. You don’t have to but most of you will want protect your wood by painting your beehive.

I promise, the honey bees really don’t care. We paint the hives for our pleasure and to preserve the wood.

A simple coat of latex paint will work or you can get really creative with some painted hive designs. Now, the outside components of your hive is ready. What about the inside?

How to Build a Beehive of Your Own - Carolina Honeybees (4)

Frames & Foundation for Your Hive

Frames are removable parts that fit inside the bee boxes (hive body and supers). They make it possible to inspect sheets of honeycomb without tearing the comb apart. You can buy plastic frames but wooden ones are most common.

Frames consist of small parts that are difficult to cut.Most beekeepers who build their own hives still choose to buy frames.

Frames can be purchased ready to go or as a part of a beehive starter kitthat you put together. If you have the time to assemble your hive frames, this is an enjoyable task-if you don’t have too many to do. And, you can make sure they have plenty of glue to hold them together.

How to Build a Beehive of Your Own - Carolina Honeybees (5)

Choosing Foundation

One of the last components of your beehive will be foundation to fit inside the frames.Most beekeepers will place foundation inside the wooden frames.The use of foundation gives the bees a guide to begin comb construction.

Beeswax foundation is the most popular choice and the product that I use. However, you may choose to use plastic foundation or even no foundation.

I don’t recommend foundation-less beekeeping for beginners. I feel it brings additional challenges that the new beekeeper doesn’t need.

Why Measurements Matter When Building Beehives

Honey bees can and do live in a wide variety of structures. But, if you build a beehive to the proper dimensions, life will be easier for you and safer for your bees.

How to Build a Beehive of Your Own - Carolina Honeybees (6)

Bee Space

Modern beehive construction is based on the concept of “bee space”.This is the amount of space that bees naturally leave between the honeycombs in the hive.

In general, the measurement of 3/8″ is considered bee space. Today’s hive plans will be developed with respect to this measurement.

Whether building the parts or buying them, assemble your hive parts correctly, paying special attention to inside measurements in your instructions.

As the bees build out honeycomb sheets, they want the hive to be filled in a precise way. If your boxes are built to the wrong dimensions, you will have problems with comb where you don’t want it. This is called burr comb.

Ignore these called for measurements and your bees may leave or make such a mess that you can not do proper hive inspections.

Easier Hive Management

A beekeeper must practice some hive management techniques in order to have healthy productive colonies. Checking for signs of queen failure or disease helps insure colony survival.

Routine inspections are also made to check for problems with pests such as: the need to install Small Hive Beetle traps or control Wax Moths. They can cause colonies to become weak and even hive failure.

In order to know what is happening inside the hive, you have to look. With a mess of wild comb placed here and there, looking inside the hive is more difficult.

Removing frames and breaking open cells of honey causes the bees to become over excited and you may even accidently damage your queen.


Is it cheaper to build your own hive?

Building your own hive can be cheaper than buying one ready to use. However, it depends on the type of hive you want, local lumber prices and tools you have on hand.

How do you build a beehive for honey?

Unlike a bird box for birds, honey bee hive require maintenance. However, if you want to build your own beehive – do your research, learn about the various parts of the hive and how to take care of your bees.

How much does it cost to build a beehive?

The cost to build a beehive depends on several factors but the average price for a hive made of pine is about $200 – including all the necessary parts and a metal top.

A Final Word

Don’t feel that making your own beehive is something you must do-especially if you are new. The first year of beekeeping can be confusing. Unless you are a skilled carpenter that loves woodworking – save hive construction for another year.

Did I save myself any money by building my hives during those first years when beekeeping costs are high? No, it would have been much cheaper to buy the components and do the assembly myself.

Once your new hive is built and ready to use, be sure to invest some thought into finding the best location for your beehive.

For even more important information on finding the best location for your bees and what to do to get them off to a good start, check out my Online Beekeeping Class.

If you decide building bee hives is a challenge your woodworking skills are up to – go for it. But for heavens sake – please follow the directions 😉


How to Build a Beehive of Your Own - Carolina Honeybees (2024)


How do honeybees build their hives? ›

Wax Worker bees excrete wax through glands on their abdomens. They'll use this wax to form honeycomb which they build inside the hollow cavity. This honeycomb will provide a surface on which to lay eggs, raise brood, and storing pollen and honey.

How many honey bees do you need to start a hive? ›

2-Pound Package: This size is industry standard, and contains about 6-7,000 worker bees. They are less expensive and are enough to start a hive. 3-Pound Package: Many beekeepers like 3-pound packages as they have more worker bees to get the colony started. They contain about 10,000 worker bees.

What is the easiest beehive to build? ›

Top Bar Hives are the simplest type of beehive that you can build. They are very forgiving and you can construct these out of materials that you have on hand. Not only are they the easiest to build, but they are also the easiest to maintain for new beekeepers.

What is the structure of a beehive? ›

The modern Langstroth hive consists of: Bottom board: this has an entrance for the bees. Boxes containing frames for brood and honey: the lowest box for the queen to lay eggs, and boxes above where honey is stored. Inner cover and top cap providing weather protection.

What is the difference between a beehive and a honeycomb? ›

Inside the hive we find different structures formed by cells of wax, which is what is known as honeycombs. Thus, a hive is made up of different structured combs. Inside the hive we find different structures formed by cells of wax, which is what is known as honeycombs.

How long does a bee hive last? ›

Honey bee hives constantly raise new queens to replace the old ones. The queen bee, if a good one, can lay up to 2,000 eggs a day. So the worker bees are replaced as well. As long as the bees have good honey stores and are able to fight off disease they can live in a place indefinitely.

How many beehives should a beginner start with? ›

If you are just starting out, most reputable beekeeping sources will recommend starting with two hives. Having two hives for your first few years will help you to learn the art and science of beekeeping, while providing you with the proper amount of experience and resources needed to successfully keep healthy bees.

How much honey does 1 beehive make? ›

A strong hive can be home to 50–100,000 bees during the peak of the summer. Do a little quick math, and you see how beekeepers arrive at an average of 60lbs. of honey per hive, per year. With the right weather and the right beekeeper, some hives can even produce 100lbs.

How many bee hives do you need to make a profit? ›

More experienced beekeepers may want to keep even more than two hives to increase their odds of success. If there was an ideal number of hives for a backyard beekeeper, most beekeepers would estimate that 2-5 hives are optimal. Of course, you will also need enough space.

Does the government pay you to have bees? ›

And how can you get some of that? The short answer is a resounding no. There is no large fund writing blank checks to pay you for your new bee colonies.

How far should beehives be from the house? ›

But just how close to your house can you put your hive? The general rule is there should be a minimum of 4-feet behind and on either side of the hive, with a minimum of 25-feet of clearance at the entrance – but there's really no cut-and-dry answer for this.

How high off the ground does a beehive need to be? ›

Utilize a hive stand or cinder blocks to elevate the hive 12 to 18 inches off of the ground to keep it safe from skunks and other animals which may want to disturb the hive. Place a large rock on top or strap down your hive to keep it safe from raccoons, wind, etc.

Is it cheaper to build your own beehive? ›

Absolutely yes! A new Langstroth beehive costs well over $150 but we made ours for only $17. That's an amazing savings!

How many frames do you need to start a beehive? ›

Each super holds 10 frames inside it that the bees build wax onto. Some people use an 8 frame hive box which would require 8 frames per super. For the setup described here, you need 2 Deep Supers with 10 frames each to house the brood chamber. The four pieces that make one hive box or super.

How much land do you need for a beehive? ›

Generally speaking, most backyard beekeepers have 1 to 2 acres of land with 2 or 3 bee hives. I have personally had 10 hives on a 1 acre lot in a subdivision. One important thing to do is talk with your neighbors first.


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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.