Hell's Ascendant - Chapter 13 - ZeryphTheSynthetic (2024)

Chapter Text

After a quick shower to freshen up, I got an outfit together that would be on the casual side, without making me look like I was preparing to walk into a combat zone. Just some jeans and a black t-shirt, a lot like my old outfit when I was still human. But I added in David’s jacket for good measure. There wasn’t any need to dress for something formal, since we’re not going somewhere like Ozzie’s. For now, it’s my park plan that I originally had.

I made sure to send everyone a message so they’d know. Dusty agreed to the idea, figuring it would be more fun to add on to this. Since tonight was something casual, rather than doing a real fancy place or something. Dusty and I were the first ones to return to the bar. Dusty went with a tank top and skirt, but kept his usual boots. He smiled when he saw David’s jacket, recognizing it immediately.

The girls didn’t take too long to catch up afterwards. Charlie went with a t-shirt and jeans, much like I had, only her shirt was red. While Vaggie stuck with something similar to her usual outfit.

“An EMS jacket? Why?” Charlie asked me, as soon as she saw the jacket.

“Long story. Remind me sometime, I’ll let you both watch the series.” I stood up from my usual spot, preparing the portal spell I picked up while mixing it with one of my normal ones. Making sure we’d go where I wanted to, exactly.

“I dunno if they’d like Edgerunners the same way Cherri and I did.” Dusty spoke up as he stepped through the portal. Whistling when he saw the other side.

“Oh, wow.” Charlie took a moment to look around, taking it all in. What she could see, anyway. “This puts the parks in Hell to shame.”

“A bit of Grimoire portal magic mixed with what the System gives me for the cross-world stuff.” I closed the portal as I stepped through. I then brought up a map, showing just how big it all was. Based on somewhere I’ve been before. A large series of boardwalks and walkways, with shops all around us. It’s all based off some places I’ve been in the past.

“Shouldn’t we have gone for human disguises for this?” Vaggie asked.

“Ah, no need. This whole place is pretty much its own dimension. The guests here aren’t much more than nameless background characters.” I reached out a hand, and felt Dusty take it into one of his. “C’mon, let’s get going. There’s plenty of places we can stop. Stores, some game stands, an arcade…restaurants, all sorts of stuff.”

“Sooo…do we have plan? Or are we kinda just…winging it?” Charlie asked.

“Better to just wander around and see what grabs our interest. Just remember to not go on any intense rides after we eat.” I began to lead the way. “I mean unless you wanna have it come back up.”

“Ugh, no thanks.” Vaggie spoke up. “I think that would be a fairly effective way to derail the whole night.”

“Well, I mean, my healing magic can settle any motion sickness. It can cure hangovers caused by Fenrisian Ale, so a bit of nausea is nothing.” I felt Dusty tug at my hand, and he nodded towards one of the stands. One with targets set up, looks like they’re pretty beat up, too. I smiled, walking over towards it with him beside me. I heard the girls following behind.

“Knife throwing?” Charlie asked.

“Yup. They’ll allow for other weapons too, within reason.” I paid the staff member who was manning the station. “Three bullseyes for a prize. For the biggest ones, anyway.” I’ll do mine first, then let Vaggie have a turn, if she wants to. With the price paid, I picked up the first knife, spinning it in my fingers to test the weight. It felt strange, even more-so since I was adjusted to Lubrae. Still, when I threw it, my aim was perfect.

It sunk into a bullseye with a satisfying thunk. I quickly picked up the second and third, then whipped my arm outwards, nailing two more targets in a similar fashion. Cracking a smile as I did.

“Showoff.” Dusty said, before letting out a short laugh.

“Can’t help it. Besides, it’s date night. I think I can afford to be a little showy.” I said back, before reaching up to the prize I had in mind. A giant yellow plush mouse-like creature with black tipped ears, and a tail shaped like a lightning bolt. Two red circles marked its cheeks, one on each. I detached the zipties holding it in place, then brought the Pikachu down with the same care I’d handle a real one with.

“Hehe…as expected.” Dusty took it into his lower arms.

“What…is it?” Charlie asked.

“A Pikachu.” I smiled. “C’mon, Princess, you should know that.”

“Oh yeah…heh…I kinda forgot. I mean, I’ve only seen brief glimpses.” She looked up to the rest of the prizes.

“Vaggie, you want a go?” I asked.

“Sure. Hey, you don’t mind if I use this, do you?” Vaggie asked, pulling her spear and spinning it in her right hand.

“Go ahead. If it feels better than these do.” The guy assigned to the stand, pulled the knives from the targets then stepped away, before signalling that Vaggie was clear to start. Vaggie hefted her spear, shifting until she had it held the way she needed to. She lined up her throw, and then sent it. The spear dug deep into the center of the first target. Much deeper than the knives did.

“You don’t have to throw it that hard. It’s not Lubrae.” I said. Vaggie shook her head, breaking into a grin regardless. The staff member grunted when he pulled on the spear the first time, then managed to get it on the second go, before handing it back to her. Vaggie readied herself, then, threw it again. Sinking the spear into the second target. She didn’t throw as hard this time, so it was easier to get the spear back.

Then, Vaggie made her third throw, landing another hit, dead-on. Charlie grinned at her, and Vaggie smiled softly. Charlie looked for something she wanted, then found it. Pointing it out, and with a bit of assistance, we got it down. Fitting with the theme, she got a giant plush Eevee.

“That is one of the most adorable things I have ever seen.” Vaggie commented.

“Ah, the real ones are way cuter, trust me.” I said, then I opened a portal to the cabin so we could put the plushies in there. That way we wouldn’t have to carry them around the whole night.

“I bet they are.” Charlie said, gently setting her plush on the couch before stepping back outside. “By the way, your cabin? It’s a really nice place.”

“Thanks, made it myself. Thinking about redecorating in the near future.” I closed the portal once Dusty was back outside. He took the Pikachu upstairs, which is fine by me.

“We could help with that. Consider it part of paying you back for a couple weeks ago.” Charlie offered.

“No need. I can make adjustments on the fly.” I said, smiling when I felt Dusty wrap his right arms around my left arm. “Let’s get moving, there’s still plenty of stuff for us to do. We’ve got a lot of time, after all.”

We started to walk, with the girls looking around at what was nearby. I guess Charlie was looking for anything she could do in return for what Vaggie got her.

“Hey, Zeryph, question…I’ve been meaning to ask. That dragon tattoo on Angel’s neck. Where did that come from?” Charlie asked.

“Oh, that little souvenir? It’s a mate mark, but it does more than that.” I caught Dusty blushing out of the corner of my eye. “It’s charged with my magic, and pulses if he’s in danger.”

“So you’ll always know if he needs you.” Charlie figured it out quickly, then her attention caught something. “Ooh, look at this.” She hurried ahead. We caught up behind her. Aside from the game stands around, there were also some small shops as I mentioned before. What Charlie saw was one with a display window. Showing a machine that was moving a soft material around between its arms. It’s admittedly hard to describe a taffy machine, but that’s what it is.

“Salt water taffy. It’s good stuff, can’t remember when I last had any.” I started to head inside, ducking under the doorway. Thankfully, no low ceiling on the inside. “C’mon. They do samples, so you can all try some.” I reached up, snatching a piece of vanilla taffy out of the air. Dusty did the same when one was tossed his way. The girls nearly dropped theirs, as they weren’t as ready for it.

I started to unwrap mine, but the way Dusty looked at me suggested he had something in mind. Moving his fingers in a way sort of similar to a tongue trying to grab something. Then letting out a low chuckle when I raised a brow. Charlie and Vaggie unwrapped theirs, popping their pieces into their mouths and biting down.

“Mmm…this is pretty good.” Charlie commented. “Why aren’t you eating yours?”

“Ah, personal reasons.” I shot Dusty a look. “Dusty wanted to try something, and I’d rather not make a bunch of people uncomfortable with that display.” I got a shrug from Dusty.

“He wants to…oookay. We…don’t need to see that, either.” Vaggie spoke up. “That’s not a kiss for when others are around.” The girls went up to the counter where the different taffy flavors were set up. “Still, the taffy is pretty good.”

“Well, pick out what flavours you want. They’re all good in their own way, except for the white ones with black markings. That’s licorice, which, I’m not a fan of, personally.” I said, reaching for a bucket as I did. Dusty and I started to pick out flavors.

“I think you’d like these.” Vaggie said to Charlie, holding up a white and red piece as she did. “I mean, the colors match.”

“That’s peppermint.” I identified the flavour for them. “My advice, get a little bit of everything so you can try them all at some point. Since you both won’t really have any favorites until you know for sure. I can identify the flavours if you need me to.”

Dusty picked out some he wanted to try, personally, while I picked out a handful of each of my favorites. Including the vanilla one, for sure. Charlie offered to pay for these, since I paid for the games earlier, so I was fine with it. She didn’t have to, though.

On the way out, Vaggie took one that was a light blue color, blueberry, and tried it. Smiling when she discovered how good it was. That one’s one of my favorites, as well. I also got us all some drinks. Just sodas this time, not…ya know what I mean.

“Hey, Zee, think there’s any…spicier shops here? Could pick up some fun stuff for tonight.” Dusty’s timing was either unfortunate or incredible, because it was right as I started to take a sip of my soda. I spat it back out before coughing. The girls blushed, glaring lightly at him for that.

“f*cking hell, Dusty. Could you not spring something like that when I’m mid-sip?” I asked. Dusty only laughed and shrugged.

“Hey, I had to do it.” He grinned. “Seriously though, you should consider getting some things to spice stuff up. ‘Cause we can’t just keep it vanilla all the time.”

“Angel, tone it down, please.” Charlie was sporting a blush. “I get that you’re both like…really into each other, but…do we really need to-”

“It’s a casual date princess, not a formal place.” I spoke up.

“But it’s not the Lust Ring, either.” Charlie said, raising a fair point. “Please, settle down…at least a little bit.”

“All right, got me there.” Dusty conceded. “Ya know, Blitz outright said we’d fit in.”

“He did. That would be a fun night. If a bit exhausting.” I put the taffy buckets into my inventory for right now. I’d give the girls theirs later on when they’re ready. “Ya know, Stolas mentioned Ozzie’s earlier. Saying you’d probably enjoy working there way more than for Valentino.”

“Oh hell yeah, I think Asmodeus would be a way better boss than Val is.” Dusty was quick to agree.

“Maybe after Lucifer and I hash out the details, I might see about convincing him to let me bring you along one night. Maybe even see if Ozzie will let you do a guest performance, one night.” I said.

“Oh, that would be fun. So long as you’re in the crowd.” Dusty grinned.

“Boys, please.” Vaggie said, dryly.

“All right, all right, sorry. We’ll tone it down.” I said.

“Thanks. I can’t begin to imagine how much harder you two are to deal with when you’re drunk.” Vaggie said.

“Well, I can’t get drunk unless I want to, barring one exception. And that’s Fenrisian Ale. Like I told Stolas, not something you want to try.” We had started to walk, looking around for somewhere we might want to make our next stop at.

“Oh, yeah, I think Husk said something about that.” Charlie seemed to recognize the name. “Was that the stuff from the night Cherri took you boys to the club?”

“It was, yeah.” Dusty spoke up. “I’ve been drunk before, sure, but never anything like that. Zeryph’s magic can instantly sober someone up and even cures hangovers, but that stuff…tastes like ass and hits like a f*ckin’ train. How long is it from a shot, Zee? Six seconds?”

“Wow…is it really that strong?” Vaggie asked.

“Hoo yeah. It’s the only thing that can intoxicate an Astartes, but their variant is actually toxic. The version I got, doesn’t have that particular toxin in it.” I explained. “Amasec, on the other hand, that’s good stuff.”

“I’ll agree with you on that. Definitely fits into the fancier side of things.” Charlie smiled. “Maybe later on we can all have a glass or two.”

“Sounds like a good idea.” I heard a quiet grumble over the crowd, then let out a low chuckle. “Hey, hows about we get some dinner? I can think of a restaurant that would be nice. Y’all ever have seafood before?” I asked.

“Hell doesn’t really have it, not in the sense you’re probably thinking of.” Charlie followed my gaze. “But, none of us are…can…can demons have allergies? Honestly, I should know that, but I really don’t.”

“Angels generally don’t have allergies, ‘cause…ya know, Heaven’s supposed to be free of all problems and all that.” Vaggie sighed. “Nevermind that. I don’t wanna bring down the mood.”

“I didn’t have any the first time around. I don’t think it sticks around when you get a new body, anyway.” Dusty said. “Well anyway, what would you recommend?”

“Dungeness, if they have it. Strong stuff, but it’s real good. Out of the four types of crab that I’ve tried, that kind of meat is the best. And get cajun buckets as well if you want a bit of heat.” I told them, while also using my phone to get us a table. “How do we want to seat ourselves? Side by side?” I asked.

“Works for me.” Charlie said. “And we’ll split the bill, as well. I’ll cover our half, mine and Vaggie’s.”

“That’ll work.” We sat down outside to wait, since the restaurant was, understandably, packed. I made sure to specify that we wanted outdoor seating, since that section wasn’t as crowded by design. After several minutes, I got the message that our table was ready. I stood up, pulling Dusty up along with me. The girls moved to follow us. I had to duck under the doorway and some of the lights, but that’s fine.

I’ve never really liked crowds, so having something to focus on made it easier to deal with. Especially with the stares that we were drawing. Dusty picked up on how I seemed uncomfortable with it. The girls took a little longer to notice, giving me curious looks as we went to sit down.

“Start with some drinks, I guess.” I spoke up, shifting my focus away from my discomfort.

“The Shark Bite sounds pretty good.” Dusty said. “Let’s see… Bacardi Limón Rum, Don Q 151 Rum, Absolut Vodka, Dekuyper Blue Curaçao, sweet and sour, and grenadine. Wanna share one?” He asked me. One of the real-world drinks I’ve wanted to try, but haven’t gotten around to it. I’m sure some people will recognize it.

“Sure.” I agreed.

“Boys, if you get drunk, we’re not walking you out of here.” Vaggie spoke up. Earning some soft giggles from Charlie. “Just some water, for me.” Vaggie said to the waitress.

“Zeryph has a way to fix that immediately. I’ll just have some tea, please.” Charlie said.

“Oh, and, an appetizer, too. Calamari, please, just one order.” I said. Our waitress left once she was finished writing down what we asked for. It was a few minutes before she returned, with the girls’ drinks, as well as a larger glass with blue liquid in it. A small shark attached to the glass was designed so that it could pour red fluid into the glass, giving the illusion of blood in the water. Hence the drink’s name.

I took one of the straws and set it in, before leaning down and taking a sip. I pulled away, purring involuntarily as it hit me all at once.

“Oh, that’s good. That’s good stuff, right there.” I pulled away, letting Dusty try some for himself.

“Mmm!” He pulled away. “Yeah, it is. Doesn’t taste quite the same as Hell drinks, or as strong for that matter, but It’s pretty good.”

“Mind if I try some?” Charlie asked. When I nodded, she slipped her straw into the drink and took a sip. Careful to not let any go back down the straw. She winced momentarily as it hit her. “Woo. That’s pretty strong. Mmm…it’s not bad, though. I think that Amasec stuff is better, personally.”

“Well this is a co*cktail, not a glass of super fancy wine.” I said. “That’s why it tastes the way it does.” I watched Vaggie sneak a sip, as well. Only to wince as it hit her, just like Charlie did. She took a longer sip from her water afterwards. “What? Not a fan?”

“Nah, it’s not for me.” Vaggie took another sip from her water. “I bet Husk would like it.”

“Oh, for sure.” Dusty agreed. “I think Cherri would also like it.”

“Yup, I think she would. Could have this be your Afterlife drink, maybe.” I suggested.

“Nah, I’d rather come up with my own mix. That’s what you’re supposed to do, after all.” Dusty turned to look inside. Our appetizer was brought out shortly after. We then got our orders. Dusty and I were gonna share ours. The girls decided to do the same, with theirs, matching what I ordered. I snatched one of the rings as soon as I was able, from the calamari, dipping it in the marinara that it came with before popping the ring in my mouth and biting it.

“So what, what is calamari, anyway?” Vaggie asked, before trying some. “It’s pretty good, whatever it is.”

“Squid. And the sauce is marinara. Just remember, no double dipping.” I grabbed another one of the rings and dipped it, then held it up. As I went to bite it, it was snatched by Dusty who shot me a smirk. I gave him a feigned look of shock, before we both shared a short laugh.

“Hey, at least we can keep an eye on them, like this.” Charlie suddenly spoke up. “Imagine what they’d be like if they were just on their own.”

“Princess!” I called out. Vaggie groaned, a blush lighting up on her face. “Where did that come from?”

“God, Charlie, I didn’t need a mental image.” Vaggie spoke through her hands, as she had covered her face.

“Aw, come on, we wouldn’t be that open about it. Even I have at least some restraint.” Dusty spoke up. “I mean, unless you’re into public stuff.” When I felt my face heat up, I covered my cheeks but I was laughing quietly. “Oh my god, he actually blushed.”

“Oh god, Dusty.” I finally spoke. “That one got me. I’ll give you that.” I saw that even Charlie had her face covered now.

“Ugh! There you go, again.” Vaggie groaned. “Are you two always horny, or something?”

“What, gonna throw us in jail for it?” I asked. Dusty nearly choked on a bit of calamari, coughing hard mixed together with bits of laughter, causing his eyes to tear up. Vaggie and Charlie gave me blank looks. “Sorry, it’s a… a human thing. That’s the best way to explain it without things getting awkward. You wouldn’t get it.” The only reason Dusty gets it is because he’s seen my memories much more in depth than the girls have.

“Only saving grace is that Zeryph put a privacy spell up.” Dusty said after recovering from his coughing fit. “I don’t think you two even noticed. Nobody can hear what we’re saying unless they’re right next to the table.”

“Well, that’s a relief. As if you two didn’t draw enough stares already, tall as you are.” Vaggie reached for one of the rings, before dipping it in the sauce and trying it.”Eh, rings are good, not a fan of the sauce.”

“Oh, I think it’s fine.” Charlie grabbed another, for herself. I didn’t bring attention to when she grabbed her first one. Between the four of us, the calamari didn’t last long. But it wasn’t long before the main course was brought out. With the wait staff helping us out. Vaggie wasn’t sure about wearing a bib, but after seeing the crab and being told that dropping stuff was very likely, she was quick to understand it.

I then showed the girls how to crack the shells, as well as how to use the second tool, a crab zipper, to get the shell open properly. Granting access to the meat within it. Also showing them what was the meat, and the tendon that it was wrapped around. When I got my first bite, I let out a low growl of approval. It had been so long since I last had this stuff. It’s expensive, but it’s sooo worth it, too. Charlie got her first bit of meat, wincing lightly as the taste hit her.

“You’re not kidding, has a real strong flavor to it.” Charlie glanced at Vaggie, watching as the only angel in our group tried some for herself. She winced as it hit her, going for some water to cleanse her pallette right away.

“Yeah, it bites back, but that’s what makes it good.” I got another bit of meat, when Dusty held it up to me with his fork. His first bite didn’t have as much of a reaction, since he knew to prepare himself based on how the girls reacted.

“Yeah,. it’s…it’s good. It’s just strong, is all.” Vaggie tried some more, smiling this time. “Now that I know what to expect, I’m actually ready for it.” She winced again as the cajun hit her, but it doesn’t hit as hard as the crab itself. Compared to some other spicy stuff I’ve tried, it’s not as strong.

Charlie really dug into her portion though, indicating that she really liked it. The smile she shot me reinforced that. Dusty and I got more into sharing ours, and it ended up being a case of feeding each other, rather than ourselves.

“How? How do you do it?” Vaggie broke the silence between us.

“Do what, exactly?” I asked.

“When we walked in, you looked suuuper uncomfortable with being in a crowd.” Charlie spoke up. “Yet, soon as we sit down and start to focus on dinner, it’s like a switch flips in here.” She tapped the side of her head.

“Focus. That’s your keyword, right there. It’s focusing on something, or someone in this case.” I smiled. “You’re right, I don’t like crowds, and I don’t like low ceilings, either. But when there’s something to focus on, I can just tune it all out.” I took a sip from the drink that Dusty and I were sharing. It was about half full now, between the two of us. Dusty wasn’t showing signs of intoxication yet, either.

“Not to mention all the…affection. I mean, sure, sound suppressing bubble and all that. But, given how you don’t like crowds, I wouldn’t think you’d be comfortable with that.” Vaggie said.

“Well, it’s not my first date, by any means. Melanie was my first date. I would’ve had more but, ya know.” I let out a sigh. “This isn’t the time for discussing past lives. It’s the time for-” An abrupt, very loud boom, startled all of us. The water and the deck lit up in bright colors. The unexpected fireworks had caught us off guard.

As we continued to enjoy dinner, we shifted in order to watch the nightly show. I did a small snap of my fingers, bringing up a little music that would mesh well with our gathering. Leaning over against Dusty and smiling.

“The Aldecaldos campfire music?” Dusty asked quietly. “Nice choice.” He went to stand up, and I went with, walking over to the railing to lean out and really see the fireworks. I heard the girls quietly moving to stand by the rail, themselves. It’s the first time, the whole night, that I saw their hands even get near touching distance. I shot them both a soft smile, then pulled Dusty over against my side.

Charlie and I had also left our payments on the table, both of us paying exact change, plus extra for the waitress after I explained how tipping works. Granted, Dusty and I didn’t have a drink to refill like the girls did. But I still left one, regardless. I closed my eyes for a moment, smiling softly and nodding along to the music as it played.

I felt one of Dusty’s hands on my right cheek, pulling my head over so he could steal a kiss. A longer one than what we usually share.

“Mmm~” He moaned quietly as we held it. I turned him towards me, pulling him into an embrace as we broke away. Allowing us to just hold each other quietly. “It’s the quiet moments that are the best.” He said softly.

“Yeah, it is.” I looked back out towards the sky, and the corner of my eyes caught the girls, sharing a similar moment to our own. I smiled warmly, but didn’t draw Dusty’s attention to it. “I got us some rooms. There’s a hotel, other end of the area, that overlooks the water. Two rooms, one for you and I, the other for the girls. Might as well spend the night here.”

“I’ll have to let dad know.” Charlie spoke up, loud enough for me to hear. “So he doesn’t worry, I mean. Everyone else is gonna wonder where we are.”

“We can tell them in the morning.” Vaggie said quietly, but I still caught it. “Zeryph, you always pick the most fitting songs, don’t you?” She asked.

“Yeah, I do.” I said. “Well, we’ve still got plenty of time to walk around, if you girls want. Maybe we can stop in some shops on the way to where we’ll be staying.”

“Sounds good. Let me call my dad, then we’ll go.” Charlie gently pulled away from Vaggie, who leaned against the rail, before pulling her phone from her left pocket and calling Lucifer. Dusty and I pulled away from our own embrace, leaning over against the rail as we did.

I caught our waitress as she stepped back out, letting her know we’d be leaving shortly, once Charlie was finished with her call. The waitress wished us all a good night, even saying that we all looked adorable together.

I smiled, even handing her my phone and asking her if she could get a picture of Dusty and I. Then the two of us wrapped our arms around each other and leaning close together. Smiling softly as she got it for us. Charlie smiled at the two of us. Her talk with Lucifer didn’t take long, and following along with our idea, had me get a picture of her with Vaggie.

I handed her phone back to her, afterwards. We all continued to watch the fireworks, until they were done. Then, from there, started to leave. I was going to let the music fade out, but decided not to. I smiled when I saw the girls holding hands the same way Dusty and I were. Some clouds in the sky cleared up, revealing a bright, full moon, just above the horizon.


“Was supposed to be a casual date, ended up getting romantic on us.” Dusty broke the silence, after about an hour of walking. We had all settled into a slow pace, just to enjoy the moment as long as we could.

“Yeah, seems like it.” I said back. “Hey, Charlie, you get to do this often?” I asked her.

“Uh…honestly? Not as often as I’d like. As busy as we are just…trying to get people to give the hotel a try. I forgot what it’s like to step away and take some time for myself. Or, in this case, time for both of us.” Charlie leaned over against Vaggie. “Thanks for bringing us along. It has been a really nice night, so far.”

“Yeah, even with you two going back forth. Honestly, I’m really happy for both of you. Despite the way I act whenever you two get each other going.” Vaggie spoke up.

“We probably will, tonight.” I felt Dusty lean closer. “Hey, uh…if you girls want me to give you a soundproofing spell, as well, just lemme know. I can set it up for you.” The girls blushed lightly, glancing at each other.

“That’s…” Charlie paused for a moment. She glanced at Vaggie, who smiled softly and warmly. “All right, yeah. As nice a night as this? Might as well…finish it off properly, right?” Charlie smiled again when Vaggie kissed her cheek.

“That’s the spirit.” I gave Charlie a pat on the shoulder. “You don’t have a great date night, without rounding it off with some intimacy. I’ll set you both up with a soundproof spell, it won’t fade until I dispel it, so no need to worry.”

“Thanks, Zeryph.” Charlie said. The hotel door slid open as we approached it. The lady at the front desk handed us our room keys. I had gotten two rooms on the top floor. They were connected, so there was no need to go out into the hallway to go between them. I opened a portal back to home, briefly. Letting everyone pick up stuff so they’d have a change of clothes for tomorrow, as well as anything needed for hygiene in the morning.

While they did that, I set up my soundproofing spells. One for each of our rooms. Once the portal was closed, after they were all back, Dusty and I wished the girls a good night. Charlie shut the connecting door and locked it behind herself.

“I had a wonderful night, Zee.” Dusty said quietly. He wrapped me up in an embrace with his upper arms, using his lower pair to set his stuff on the dresser near us. “I think it’s even better than last time. I had fun, and I think they had fun, too.” I already felt his hands wandering.

“Well, I’m glad to hear it.” I said softly. “Bringing them along seems like it was a great idea.”

“Yeah, but it still would’ve been fun, if we didn’t.” Dusty slowly slid his lower hands under the waist of my jeans. “Gonna miss all this, tomorrow. The quiet, peaceful atmosphere. Even spending all day in the cabin isn’t as nice as you’d think, when you’re alone.” He began to slide my jeans off, while taking care of my shirt and jacket at the same time. I had stepped out of my boots on the way into the room. Dusty began to trail soft kisses down the length of my chest. Smiling softly between them, on occasion.

"Maybe I might get you some stuff for personal use, when you're alone with nothing else to do." I offered.

“Heheh, sure." Dusty kissed my cheek. "I think you’ve earned the lovey-stuff tonight.” He said softly. I felt one of his hands slowly close around my co*ck, slowly rubbing in a way that showed just how well practiced he really was. “Before the main event, let me take care of you, first. It’s only right that I do.” Dusty lowered himself to his knees, leaning in and starting off with a series of soft kisses. Before taking it into his mouth with a quiet hum.

A soft purr escaped my throat as Dusty began to move. It didn’t take him long to settle into a pace that worked for both of us, following the sounds I made as his guide. I closed my eyes, leaning my head back and using my tail for extra support as to not fall over by mistake if I lean back too far. Low purrs and growls were the only sounds I needed to make.

And they were enough, too, since Dusty followed them exactly. Using the volume and length as signs that he should adjust his pace. Much like the first time we had done this, his experience really shows. But at the same time, it’s easy to tell that he doesn’t handle me like he would handle a client. The way Dusty bobs his head, and feeling him use his tongue to make his mouth feel like a tighter fit without accidentally getting those sharp teeth of his involved. I felt one of his hands get involved, since he wasn’t going deep tonight.

I reached down for the top of his head, rubbing softly with my fingers. It wasn’t long before he grabbed my hand in one of his, locking his fingers between mine. His pace increasing as my purring began to sound more like soft growls. Dusty pulled away, flashing me a grin, then opening his mouth and extending his tongue. With the hand he was using, he increased his pace, squeezing harder until he got what he wanted.

When I came, growling lowly, strands of seed landing both on Dusty’s tongue, and on his face. Though I don’t think he’d mind, considering the fact that he did it on purpose. He made a show of swallowing what he caught in his mouth, before his grin returned.

“I think that was faster than last time.” He said, moving to stand up so he could move over to the bed. “Think II might’ve just figured out the exact right way to do things. But hey, it means you’ll last longer for the main event.”

“Speaking of which.” I caught his upper arms by the wrist, and Dusty found himself pushed down to the bed. He let out a laugh, catching himself with his lower arms. I used my tail to get the skirt, and what was beneath it, out of the way. “By the way, what made you wear a skirt?”

“What, you have a problem?” Dusty chuckled. “Heh, to be honest, I thought you’d appreciate it.”

“Well, in that case, hold on to it. For the next time we have an outing where you’re not wearing the usual.” I had lined myself up while we were talking. Dusty let out a low moan as I pressed close, but not enough to actually push in, not yet. He smiled and nodded, and, using my tail to make sure he wouldn’t move, I shoved my co*ck in. Letting out a low growl, as I did, matched by a moan that was particularly loud.

“How is it, that the first penetration of the- oooh~!” Dusty was interrupted by a moan when I started my thrusting. Harder than what I’d done on the first night, but still well within what I think he’d be OK with. I pressed down, pinning him properly to the mattress, while catching his lower wrists with my right hand. Dusty moved like he was struggling, but there wasn’t any real effort in it.

A simple thought was enough to send a pulse of magic through the mark on his neck. A mix of a light shock about the same as being zapped with static, and something that heightened sensitivity for a short time.

“Aaah! Zee!” Dusty shuddered in my grip as my pace increased. Still feigning a struggle between the light pulses from the mark.

“Be a good boy and hold still.” I growled softly. “And there’s more for that sensitivity enhancement for you.” I turned it up, just a little.

“Sure thing…boss.” Dusty moaned louder as I turned up the sensitivity a bit more. I continued thrusting into his tight ass. Not hard enough for there to be any noise from the contact, not yet. I pulled him up, getting my arms around him, using his flexibility to my advantage. I tighened my tail around his legs.

“That’s it…you’re doing…great.” I growled softly, leaning down and pulsing a bit of magic, before kissing the mate mark I gave Dusty. He leaned his head to the side, letting out a loud mix of a gasp and a moan. I slowed my pace in favor of stronger thrusts. Dusty’s moans started to change into what sounded like light panting. His tongue starting to lull out slightly. I pulled off the shirt he was wearing, before tightening my hold with my arms.

“Oh…ohh…oh f*ck…Zee…I’m gonna…” Dusty panted. A quick use of a spell I picked up, earned a soft whine as it stopped his impending climax. But it didn't stop him from feeling like it was about to happen.

“Not until I’m about to, you’re not.” I purred in his ear. I had to tighten my hold as he started to squirm, much more than he had been earlier, but still without any effort. It’s easy to tell he’s playing along.

“Why…must you be…so cruel?” Dusty whined softly. I pressed closely against the mark I gave him, kissing it with a bit more force, before softly nipping at it with my teeth. Earning another loud moan, which faded into a series of whimpers as the spell I used was doing its job. I began to thrust harder, using more strength with each movement as I started to draw close. Until, with a low growl, I came again. Dusty matched my growl with a loud moan as the spell faded.

“Fuuuck!” Dusty moaned out, his ass squeezing tightly as his own climax hit him harder than it would’ve, originally. I let go, and he fell forward, barely catching himself with his hands. Moaning softly as I pulled out. I reached down, rubbing his back softly with my hands, trailing down to his hips where I flared up some restoration magic. Starting a gentle massage in order to make sure he wasn’t going to be sore.

“And…here I thought…you were gonna…be sweet…and lovey, tonight.” Dusty panted. “But, instead…I got…hah.” He smiled. “f*ck…when you play rough…it feels…way better.”

“And you get a massage afterwards, which is a nice bonus.” I continued past his hips and down his legs, tending to them as well as I unraveled my tail from around them. Dusty rolled over weakly, allowing me to reach the other side of his legs without having to put my arms around his legs.

“Yeah…” Dusty caught his breath. “So, I didn’t know you could use the mark to turn up how sensitive I was. Are there any limits?”

“From not sensitive at all, to the point where even the slightest touch would be enough.” I stood up once I finished tending to Dusty’s legs, then started to move up to the rest of his body to handle it. “Plus that little spell I busted out.”

“So you have a spell that allows for edging…great.” He smiled weakly. “And now I’m realizing you have the means to use that combination on me, all day long. Please, don’t actually do that. Not until I’m more comfortable with the idea.”

“Fair enough.” I pulled him up, close enough to steal a kiss, before going back to work. “Have you thought maybe about consensual non-con? Based on the way you played along, I was just curious.”

“Maaaybe, but not until Valentino is dealt with. Just so long as you agree that if I give a signal to stop, that you will immediately.” Dusty said softly.

“Yeah, that would be fine. ‘Cause I know you’re not gonna be in the mood for it all the time.” I finished with the once-over I gave him, making sure he wouldn’t be sore at all in the morning. Then I moved to lay down. He cuddled up next to me, right away, nuzzling the side of my neck as best he could.

“But any night we do this, and you wanna play rough, go for it. It feels f*cking amazing.” He laid his right arms over my chest. “Well, let’s get some sleep. We’re gonna need to be up early tomorrow, same time as the girls are so we can get home on time.” Dusty moved and laid his head on my chest.

“Yeah. G’night Dusty.” I kissed his forehead, then laid my head back onto the pillows.

“G’night Zee.” He smiled softly at me, then slowly closed his eyes. I soon closed mine, in turn, and we both steadily dozed off. Falling asleep after a few short minutes.

Hell's Ascendant - Chapter 13 - ZeryphTheSynthetic (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.